Planned Giving
Planned giving means making regular donations to the parish. You can set this up as you like - it does not need to be weekly - it could be monthly for example.
We recommend Standing Orders, at intervals of your choice, from your Bank to the Parish. It is easy to set up.
Please ask for a form from Church.
Occasional Giving
As well as planned giving, you may wish to give occasional amounts for special appeals and events, including second collections, to the parish and outside charities. Again, special envelopes can be used, but we recommend the Digital Collection Plate in Church and at cannock.mydona.com
You can make donations in Church (by card, contactless or chip and pin) or online, wherever you may be.

credit + debit card
St Mary & St Thomas More, Cannock
Support our Parish
Support our Parish
Support our Parish
Support our Parish
Support our Parish
Support our Parish
Go to cannock.mydona.com on your Internet
connected device, (phone, tablet, laptop etc) and make
a donation. Choose to Gift Aid it, and fill in the short
form. The card you use will then be registered gift aid,
and all future donations to the parish using this card

Gift Aid
If you are a tax payer you can Gift Aid the tax you
have paid, back to the parish.
This means that for every £10 you give, the government will add a further £2.50.
Only a small amount of paperwork is necessary. You can register for Gift Aid when you make a donation at cannock.mydona.com, or with a form available from Church.
Cashless Collections
It would be a great help to the Parish if most parishioners paid your collection money by Standing Order. The Bank now charges us for paying in cash, while standing orders, especially with Gift Aid, would bring extra, and regular,
money into the parish.
We need to increase the number of standing orders so that most donate in that way. It means we receive your offertory even when you are unable to be at Mass! Please use the form here: https://tinyurl.com/uqsttlr or pick up a copy from church and return it complete with your details.